From the sugarcane fields of Fiji…

Sugarcane field in Fiji with hills in the background

April 25, 2021

Our ancestors live on within and around us—in good, bad, and ugly ways. Which parts do you want to carry on and which will you let go of?

We know our ancestors have been through a lot. And while they are no longer here physically, we carry them in our attitudes and behaviors, so in a way they continue living through us. They continue loving through us, and they may also continue suffering through us.

As time goes on, society changes and so do people’s priorities and ways of life. Our experiences are very different from those of our ancestors yet we are still carrying some of their values with us, along with some of their emotional baggage and pain. Trauma can change us in many different ways mentally and physically (even our DNA) and it’s important to live with awareness of how/where it affects you.

We are not perfect and neither were our ancestors. We can still honor and respect them while acknowledging old attitudes and behaviors that no longer serve us in the present, and forming new ones that foster more growth, joy, love. We have access to opportunities and knowledge that they never did. We hold the power to heal our ancestors’ suffering and liberate ourselves and our descendants from it as well.

This is how wounds from past suffering stop getting passed down to our children. This is lifelong healing work, where toxic generational cycles end and healthier ones begin. Right here, right now. With us.


Kashka’s cha-spiced banana bread